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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Birthday Hat Hair Clips!!!!


Does your darling daughter have a birthday coming up? Do you have the perfect outfit all picked out and ready to go? Well we have the perfect accessory to top off that birthday outfit that you have put so much time into planning and preparing. Mini Birthday Hats!! Aren't they just absolutely darling!!

I got the idea when we went to Disneyland. They had mini Mad Hatter Hats that were so cute. They weren't as mini as these are but that's what sparked the idea. I love birthday hats. I think they are just so fun. But with most little ones they don't tolerate the elastic ties or ribbons under their chins. So you only get them to wear them long enough to take their picture and off they come. If I was going to go thru all that trouble to make my daughter her birthday outfit I wanted something that she could wear all day that said, "it's my birthday!!" Bows are great for everyday wear, but I wanted something for that one special day a year. These Mini Birthday Hat Clips are perfect. You can clip them directly in their hair or clip them onto a headband of your choice! They are about the size of a hair bow, just the right size for all day wear. These are also great for ANY age.

Order your Mini Birthday Hat Clip today! Here's how you do it.
Email us at craftysenoritas@gmail.com
Send us a picture of your birthday outfit or tell us the colors and any specifications you would like
We will create your Mini Birthday Hat Clip and send you a picture
If it is to your liking we will send you an invoice via PayPal
You can pay with your credit card or your PayPal account
Once the payment is received your Mini Birthday Hair Clip will be on it's way!! (Also available for local pick up)

Price: $10 for Custom Mini Birthday Hat Clip
+ shipping 5.50
FREE for local pick up

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